Wednesday, November 6, 2013

happy birthday to me...

today, i celebrate sixty years of life. sixty sounds ancient but i don't feel ancient. i have moments when bones ache, when i discover new wrinkles or new age spots...when hair color doesn't seem to cover my grey roots very well...but aging is an interesting journey.

1. find your faith. nurture your faith. believe in something.

2. you can never be too kind or too compassionate.

3. be grateful...for everything.

4. make peace with your past...but live in the moment. worrying about the future or agonizing about  what happened yesterday is a great waste of time.

5. find your passion.

6. don't take life too seriously.

7. more friends, less possessions.

8. adopt a pet. plant a garden. grow a houseplant.

9. be responsible for your own health.

10. happiness is a choice.

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